Miss Fit Raging in Vain (Sold – Limmited edition copy availible)!

This painting, i had to make rushing, because, we had an exibition, at Jafer´s Gallery. It was fun, i played guitarr, but, the next day i didn´t have content to the other exibition at ”Arbetscenter”. So i painted her. She is the girlfriend of my ex ”KK” – Knullkompis. Not that flattering, but . . . she is still, raging, in vain. I even got the best and perfect price/money for it. Decorina gave me 0 SEK and a lot of love, and Respect. Something nobody ever gave me. This one is in akrylic colors. Lot´s of eye lashes, and curls. What do you think?

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Original, Copy


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